My Story

So me thinks me should tell you in more detail about my story so far!

Name - Bronson
AKA - Little Ship, Bronse & Son
D.O.B - 19th July 2011
Colour - White
Distinguishing Features - Brindle Left Ear
Fave Stuff - Giant Bones, posing, stealing & ripping tea towels, socks & slippers :D
Me hates - Pesky mites & Allergies


Me was born in Burnley & came to live with my Hoomans in October 2011 after being passed from pillar to post :(

Me was a super cute but super naughty pup from the offset & my Hoomans (who have had many woofers) wondered if they could cope with my antics!

Me at 4 months old in my jail

Me settled in nicely & soon wormed my way onto the sofa despite Hoomans best attempts to keep me off :D

In the January me did go to Vets as me had an itchy ear....this did turn out to be a never ending struggle with 1st pesky mites & 2nd rotten allergies ;(  Me has had so many tablets me is surprised me don't rattle when me walks & me has tried loads of lotions, drops, shampoos etc all with no luck!

Me was itchy & scratchy for months until me found out me did have sarcoptic mange mites that made me super itchy & super sore!

Look what them pesky mites did to my gorgeous face :(

The hoomans had to throw out all the soft furnishings & me couldn't have any blankets or cushions in my jail :(

The worst thing about having them pesky mites was that me was banned from mixing with any woofers at all & there was even a chance of my hoomans catching them :/

All this was happening at the time me should have been exploring, sniffing & mixing with as many other hoomans & woofers as possible to develop into a good mannered woofer but me couldn't and me has only recently started to be introduced to other woofers on walks.

Me had drops but they made me worse & me had to start a course of sheep dips to kill the pesky mites off once & for all!

Me finally got the all clear just before Xmas.

Me when me had mites & after they were deaded

Me was thrilled they were deaded but my clear skin didn't last long & me was soon itchy again so the Vet said me needed full allergy tests which meant me had to go to a specialists.

Me had to stop all my tablets in order to have the tests & me eventually had the testing operation in Jan 2013.

The operation was actually just me getting shaved on my side & injected with many different allergens so the specialist could find out what me was allergic to.

This is me after my tests!

The list was endless & unfortunately me was allergic to a lot of things that me cannot avoid or change :(

The main culprits are... Dust, Pollen, Grass, Trees, Weeds, Mice & CATS!!!

Once me got them results the specialist told me that me would need some special injecshuns making just for me & that me would need to have them every couple of weeks to build up an immunity to all the allergens.

Me had my second special injecshun last week but me may have to wait around 10 months before me knows if they going to work or not!

Throughout all this horrific business me & my hoomans have found a huge amount of support from my pawsome pals on Twitter & although none could help with the mite situation as nobody did ever have them, a lot of um suffer from allergies too & they do offer me good advice &  plenty of love & support :)

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